Our Offices Will Close for Memorial Day
All Texas Retina Associates offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, in observance of Memorial Day. We remember and honor all who gave their lives in service to our country.
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Celebrating Rita Vega’s 21+ Years of Service to Texas Retina
We continue to recognize Texas Retina team members who have served our practice for 20 years or more. Today, we honor Rita Vegas, who joined Texas Retina in 2002 and currently serves
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May is Ocular Melanoma Awareness Month
Ocular (uveal) melanoma is a rare but dangerous disease, and only a small number of doctors in the United States treat it. At Texas Retina, we have been caring for ocular melanoma
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Texas Retina Associates Participating in Phase III Clinical Trial for Choroidal Melanoma
Under the leadership of principal investigator Timothy Fuller, MD, Texas Retina is now participating in the Phase III AU-011 clinical trial (CoMpass) for treatment of small choroidal (ocular) melanoma. Together with Aura
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Texas Retina Recognizes Debbie Krahl for 23 Years of Service
As we continue to celebrate our team members who have served Texas Retina for 20+ years, today we recognize Debbie Krahl, who currently serves as a Clinical Site Coordinator and Scribe in
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