The New Retina Radio Journal Club and Vit-Buckle Society recently released a podcast featuring Texas Retina’s Nikisha Kothari, MD. In it, she discusses recent research findings from the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research (DRCR) Network Protocol AC regarding the risk factors of patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) switching from bevacizumab to aflibercept.

The DRCR Retina Network supports the identification, design, and implementation of multicenter clinical research initiatives focused on retinal disorders. Over the years, Texas Retina has participated in numerous DRCR studies.

In the New Retina Radio podcast, Dr. Kothari and fellow panelist Matt Starr, MD, from the Mayo Clinic, sat down with moderator Rebecca Soares, MD, to review the DRCR Protocol AC study, discuss the clinical relevance of the findings and explore other risk factors that may be worthy of further investigation. You can access the full podcast here.

Dr. Kothari cares for patients in Texas Retina’s Grapevine, Arlington and Mansfield offices. You can learn more about her here.