Wayne A. Solley, MD
Areas of Focus | Vitreoretinal Surgery, Medical Retina, Director of Clinical Research – Texas Retina Associates, Arlington
Office Locations | Arlington, Grapevine, Wichita Falls
Certification | American Board of Ophthalmology
Languages Spoken | English
“Since I was about six years old, I wanted to be a physician. In my nearly 20 years of retinal practice, I have always tried to treat people as I would like to be treated. I take more of an ‘old school’ approach, meaning that I do my best to listen, do a thorough exam, explain my findings, and be sure that my patients leave with at least a reasonable understanding of their problem, including any treatment options that might be available. This is what I expect when I or one of my family members is a patient, and so I try to do the same for those who have put their trust in me to take care of them. Couple this with what I believe is ‘world class’ surgical and medical eye care, and I think it makes a great formula for a positive patient experience.”
Vitreoretinal Disease and Surgery
Emory Eye Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Emory Eye Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Transitional Internship
The Baptist Medical Centers
Birmingham, Alabama
Medical School
The University of Iowa College of Medicine
Iowa City, Iowa
- American Academy of Ophthalmology
- American Society of Retina Specialists
- Tarrant County Medical Society
- Texas Medical Association
- Alpha Omega Alpha
- Sub-Investigator: AGN 150998-004: A Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Masked, 28-week, Parallel-Group, Active-Controlled, to Evaluate the Safety and Treatment Effects of Abicipar in Patients with Decreased Vision Due to DME Involving the Central Foveal Subfield. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: AGN 150998-003: A Multi-Center, Double-Masked, Randomized, 20-Week Parallel-Group, Active Controlled Study, Designed to Evaluate the Safety and Treatment Effects of Abicipar in Treatment-Naïve Patients with Neovascular AMD.
- Sub-Investigator: ACT 13480: (SANOFI): A Randomized, Double-Masked and Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Effixacy and Safety of Sarilumab Administered Subcutaneously Every Two Weeks in Patients with Non-Infectious, Intermediate, Posterior or Pan-Uveitis (NIU). Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: Alcon: LHA510-2201: A Randomized, Double-Masked, Vehicle-Controlled, Proof-Of-Concept Study for Topically Delivered LHA510 as a Maintenance Therapy in Patients with Wet, Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: Regeneron VGFTe-AMD-1124: An Open-Label Study of the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Intravitreal Administration of VEGF Trap-Eye (Intravitreal Aflibercept Injection) in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: TRA-OZAB-11-001: The Effect of Ozurdex (Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant) 0.7mg on Efficacy of Bevacizumab Therapy for Non-Ischemic Retinal Vein Occlusion. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: iDeal 2010-007-03: A Randomized, Multi-Center, Phase II Study of the Safety, Tolerability and Bioactivity of Repeated Intravitreal Injection(s) iCO-007 as Monotherapy or in Combination with Ranibizumab or Laser Photocoagulation in the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema with Involvement of the Foveal Center. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: AGN 206207-024: A Multi-Center, Open-Label, Randomized Study comparing the Efficacy and Safety of 700ug Dexamethasone Posterior Segment Drug Delivery System (DEX PS DDS) to Ranibizumab in patients with Diabetic Macular Edema. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: LUX 211-11: A Double-Masked, Placebo Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Voclosporin as Therapy in Subjects with Active Non-Infectious Intermediate, Posterior or Pan-Uveitis. Closed.
- Sub-Investigator: AGN 150998: Single-Dose Study of the Safety and Efficacy of AGN-150998 in Patients with Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Closed.
- Dugel P U, Blumenkranz M S, Haller J A, Williams G A, Solley W A, Kleinman D M, Naor J,: Ophthalmology. 2012 Jan; 119 (1): 124-31. Doi: 10.1016/j. ophtha.2011.07.034. Epub 2011 Nov 23. A Randomized, Dose-escalation Study of Subconjunctival and Intravitreal Injections of Sirolimus in Patients with Diabetic Macular
- Williams P D, Callanan D, Solley W, Avery R L, Pieramici D J, Aabert T., Clin Ophthalmol. 2012;6P15 19-25, doi: 10,2147/OPTH.S31010. Epub 2012 Sep 17. A Prospective Pilot Study Comparing Combined Intravitreal Ranibizumab and Half-fluence Photodynamic Therapy with Ranibizumab Monotherapy in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-related Macular
- Solley W A, Vitreous Substitutes In: Vitreoretinal Surgery, Anand, R. editor (2006)
- Solley W A, Sternverg P Jr.,: Retinal Phototoxicity, Int Ophthalmol Clin. 1999 Spring;39(2):1-12. Review.
- Solley W A, Kardon R, Thompson HS. Relative Contributions of the Nasal and Temporal Fields in Normal Eyes; Comparison of Visual and Pupillomotor Input. Research at the University of Iowa, Department of Ophthalmology, August 1992 – May 1993.
- Solley W A, Broocker G. Ocular Trauma. In: Ophthalmology for the Primary Care Physician; Palay D A, Krachmer J H, eds: Mosby 1997.
- Solley W A, Broocker G. The General Eye Exam. In: Ophthalmology for the Primary Care Physician; Palay D A, Krachmer J H, eds.: Mosby 1997.
- Solley W A, Martin DF, Newman NJ, King R. Callanan DG,Zacchei T, Wallace RT, Parks DJ, Bridges W. Sternberg P Jr. Cat Scratch Disease: Posterior Segment Ophthalmology 1999, 106:1546-1553.
- Segal W A, Solley W A, Sternberg P S, Capone A C. Refractive Outcome Following Unilateral Retinopexy in Infants with Asymmetric Retinopathy of Prematurity. Progress in Retinopathy of Prematurity, pp. 179-181, Kugler Publications, 1997 (Proceedings of the International Symposium of Prematurity, Taormna, Italy, September 21 – 24, 1997).
- Surgical State of the Art 1: “Achieving Maximal Efficiency in the Small Gauge Era;” Keynote Speaker, Alcon Canada National Surgical Meeting, January 2012.
- Surgical State of the Art 2: “Almost Disasters, Almost Successes,” Keynote Speaker, Alcon Canada National Surgical Meeting, January 2012.
- “Advantages and Challenges of ASC’s,” American Society of Retina Specialists Invited Lecture and Course, December 2011.
- “Constellation Clinical Review and Experiences,” Ophthalmic Management Trends Symposium, Middle East SOVA, May 5, 2011, Fort Worth, Texas.
- “Vitreoretinal Surgery 2011: Improved Surgical Technology, Expanding Surgical Indications, Alcon CME Program, Dallas, Texas, February 24, 2011.
- “The Constellation Experience: Practical Advantages,” Invited Lecture, Alcon Laboratories, April 2010.
- “P0454 A Randomized Dose-Escalation Trial to Assess the Safety of Locally Administered Sirolimus to Treat Diabetic Macular Edema.” 2007 “Best Poster” Award, Annual Meeting Scientific Program.
- “Posterior Segment Manifestations of Cat Scratch Disease,” Residents’ Day, June 5, 1996, Atlanta, Georgia.
- “Telemedicine Diabetic Eye Screening in Urban African-American Population,” Residents Day, June 7, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Solley W A, Martin D, Newman N, et al. “Cat Scratch Disease: Posterior Segment Manifestations,” Poster presented at American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, October 1997.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology Maintenance of Certification Curriculum Panel – Retina/Vitreous section, 2008-2011
- Sponsor, Grapevine Faith Christian School Boys Varsity Basketball
- Member, Hills Church of Christ, Southlake, Texas