Seven Texas Retina Associates Physicians Earn New Professional Designation
The American Society of Retina Specialists has awarded its Fellow of the ASRS (FASRS) designation to the following Texas Retina Associates physicians: David Callanan, MD Rajiv Anand, MD Michel J. Shami, MD
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Texas Retina Associates Participating in Pagoda Clinical Trial for Diabetic Macular Edema
Sponsored by Genentech, the Pagoda clinical trial is studying an investigational drug delivery system for diabetic macular edema (DME) treatment to see if it could result in fewer eye injections and eye
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Texas Retina Associates Held 18th Annual Vitreoretinal Disease Update for Optometrists
On May 5, 2019, 180 optometrists attended Texas Retina Associates’ Vitreoretinal Disease Update 2019, an annual continuing education event held this year at the Fogelson Forum at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas.
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Our Grapevine Office Has Moved!
Our Grapevine office officially moved and is now located at: 1040 Texan Trail, Suite 100 Grapevine, Texas 76051 Phone: 817-310-0107 Fax: 817-310-0189 We will begin seeing patients in this office on April
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Our Grapevine Office is Moving in March 2019
Our Grapevine office is moving to a new location in March 2019, to better serve our patients. The new office will be located at: 1040 Texan Trail, Suite 100 Grapevine, Texas 76051
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Meet Our Arlington Team
Texas Retina Associates established an Arlington office in 1994, and moved to its current location at 801 W. Randol Mill Road, Suite 101, about 10 years ago. Our experienced Arlington team remains
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