Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week
Prevent Blindness has declared September 16–22, 2024, as Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week. There are several inflammatory eye conditions. The one we specialize in at Texas Retina is called uveitis [u-vee-i-tis]. Understanding
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Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week
Prevent Blindness has declared September 18 – 24, 2023, as Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week. There are a number of inflammatory eye conditions. The one we specialize in at Texas Retina Associates
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Dr. Choi’s Research on Filtering-associated Endophthalmitis in Ophthalmology Retina Journal
Texas Retina Associates’ Rene Y. Choi, MD, PhD, published an article titled “Filtering-Associated Endophthalmitis after Trabeculectomy or Tube-Shunt Implant” in the March 2021 issue of Ophthalmology Retina. The article highlights the results of
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Dr. Wang to Speak About Iritis at RheumNow Live! Event
Texas Retina Associates’ Robert C. Wang, MD, will give a presentation on “Iritis and HLA-B27” at the RheumNow Live! event this Sunday, March 21, 2021. RheumNow Live! is an on-site and virtual
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Dr. Wang Published Article on Long-term Inflammation Control and Uveitis in Retina Today
Texas Retina Associates’ Robert C. Wang, MD, shared three case studies in an article titled “Long-term Inflammation Control Benefits All Types of Uveitis” published in the November/December 2020 issue of the medical
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