Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week
Prevent Blindness has declared September 16–22, 2024, as Inflammatory Eye Disease Awareness Week. There are several inflammatory eye conditions. The one we specialize in at Texas Retina is called uveitis [u-vee-i-tis]. Understanding
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New Clinical Trials Available
At Texas Retina Associates, our physicians remain actively involved in conducting research that will improve care for our patients, offering access to promising new retinal treatments through clinical trials. We recently opened
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New Clinical Trials Available
Medical researchers continue to discover new sight-saving treatments for retinal diseases that once robbed patients of their vision. At Texas Retina Associates, we are currently participating in more than 20 clinical trials
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New Clinical Trials Offer Patients Access to Promising New Retina Treatments
At Texas Retina Associates, we remain committed to safely providing our patients with compassionate and personalized retina care, including access to breakthrough, sight-saving treatments through clinical trials. In fact, our physicians have
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